Advertising Opportunities
OAFP offers several types of advertising opportunities. Fill out our advertising request form (below) to let us know you’d like to advertise with us.
Membership Matters Weekly E-News
- Distributed to over 2,000 email addresses weekly.
- Newsletter full of useful events, information, surveys, updates and fun member stuff.
- Only one advertiser/supporter is allowed each week.
- Newsletter is sent out on Tuesdays
- Links can be included in the copy
- 1 month (4 weeks) $350
- 1 week $100
- Basic design services $50
Click HERE for an example. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the advertisement. We accept similarly sized/ worded information.
Online Job Postings
Post your open positions or an anonymous resume on our OAFP Career Website!
- 30-day job posting
- Jobs and volunteer opportunities
- Browse anonymous resumes
- Purchase the resumes of candidates you want to interview
- OAFP members survey has indicated that members use our website consistently for information
Contact Liam at for questions.
Family Physicians of Oregon quarterly magazine
- Quarterly magazine with publication dates in January, April, August and October
- Over 2500 individuals receive the magazine
- Available after publication on OAFP website
- Recent survey determined that OAFP members find great value in magazine and look forward to each publication
- Handled by magazine publisher
- Revenue supports the publication and delivery of the magazine
- OAFP receives a suitable percentage of profits from advertisements
2024 Rates TBD:
- Per issue rates range from $450 for 1/12 page to $1650 for the back cover.
- Rates are based upon ad placement in four issues.
- 25% is added to rates placed in less than four issues.
2024 Ad Due Dates > Publication Dates:
- March 29 > April 19
- June 27 > July 18
- September 26 > October 17
Click HERE for the official rate card.
Click HERE to view the latest issue.
Advertisement Request Form
Please fill out the form below if you are interested in advertising with OAFP.