


OAFP/Foundation National Conference 2024 Fund for M1-M3 and OMS1-0MS3 Students

OAFP/Foundation National Conference Travel Fund

To apply for the OAFP/Foundation National Conference 2024 Fund, you must first apply for the AAFP Family Medicine Leads Scholarship which can be found HERE.

If you have not been chosen to receive the AAFP scholarship, you are eligible to apply for our scholarship.

Please download and complete the PDF application HERE. Please email completed applications to Louise Merrigan at

Application deadline is June 15, 2024

Notifications will be sent out on June 22, 2024.

Mary Gonzales Lundy Award (Allopathic)

Created to honor Mary Gonzales Lundy upon her retirement after 21 years as executive director of the OAFP, this award provides a scholarship to a fourth year OHSU medical student who is committed to family medicine as his/her specialty of choice and who matches in a family medicine residency.

Donors to the OAFP Foundation can target their giving to this award.

Former Winners
2002 Marc B. Carey, MD, PhD
2003 Eric M. North, MD
2004 Jason M. Kuhl, MD
2005 J. Ryan Marlin, MD
2006 Stacia S. Munn, MD
2007 David L. Hall, MD
2008 Jennifer L. Holliday, MD, MPH
2009 Jill M. Rasmussen Campbell, MD
2010 Patrick O. Kinney, MD
2011 Michael D. Goodwin, MD
2012 Britt K. Severson, MD, MPH
2013 Sarah J. Williams, MD
2014 D. Nate Defrees, MD and Ilana W. Hull, MD
2015 Joseph D. Volpi, MD
2016 Charles B. Procknow, MD
2017 Rita Aulie Barry, MD and Bryan Wu, MD, MS
2018 Brianna M. Muller, MD, MPH
2019 Deepthika Ennamuri, MD, Omar Fares, MD and Nick West, MD
2020 Emma Felzien, MD, Caroline Jolley, MD and Yoana Kanev, MD
2021 Shane Hervey, MD, Wakaba Omi, MD, Derek Wiseman, MD
2022 Cassandra Kasten-Arias, MD, Jordan C. Gemelas, MD
2023 Erin A. Glasrud, MD, Alexandra L. Levin, MD, MPH
2024 Jose Manuel Carrillo-Castro, MD (Lexie) Alexandra Wulf, MD

Dr. Eva S. McCarthy Award (Osteopathic)

This scholarship, launched in 2022 during OAFP’s 75th year and COMP-NW’s 10th graduating class, is meant to expand the support the OAFP Foundation offers to medical students in Oregon.

In honor of Dr. Eva McCarthy’s leadership and dedication to full-scope osteopathic family medicine in Oregon, and service to the Oregon Academy of Family Physicians, the Academy Foundation established the McCarthy Award, a $3,000 scholarship awarded to a student who has matched to a family medicine residency.

Donors to the OAFP Foundation can target their giving to this award.

Previous Winners:

2022 2nd Lt. Mario Gaddini, DO, Gabrielle Nicole Lujan, DO
2023 Lillie Blair, DO, Alisha Harrington, DO, MAOM, LAC
2024 Forrest T. Bliss, DO, L.J. Scott McKenzie, DO

Laurel Case Rural Travel Scholarships

The Foundation provides a limited number of stipends for medical students’ travel expenses to rural experiences. These funds are awarded in honor of the founding father of Oregon family medicine, Dr. Laurel G. Case. Students can receive up to $200 for mileage or transportation fees. Funds are available for students doing Core Clinical Experiences, Rural Elective Experiences, Rural Medicine Discovery program, AHEC scholars, and one Oregon FIRST program participant.

Resident Emergency Fund

Emergency funding is designed to provide temporary, short-term financial assistance to residents. Provided in the form of one-time awards, emergency funding is not intended to provide ongoing relief for recurring expenses; these awards are not loans that residents are expected to repay. The value of the award will range in response to the needs of the resident but does not typically exceed $1,000.

Download the application here.

Please be aware that we will require a W-9 form to be completed by any recipient who is awarded $600 or more.

FMIG (Family Medicine Interest Group) Lecture Series

The FMIG students put on a variety of lectures and hands-on procedure workshops throughout the year that are open to all OHSU medical students. Having food at these events is a great attraction for students and the Foundation has provided funding for two of the more popular interactions – Meet the Docs and Can I Afford to go into Primary Care?

Students at any Oregon Medical School who form an FMIG and are members of the OAFP and AAFP are eligible for support for these events.

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