Webinar- Value-based Payment
VirtualVBP for behavioral health providers: How do we keep from being left out?
VBP for behavioral health providers: How do we keep from being left out?
Name the pharmaceuticals that have been FDA approved for treatment of alcohol use disorder. Understand the potential benefits and side effects of medications for alcohol use disorder. Know the number needed to treat (NNT) medications for alcohol use disorder and how they compare with other typical primary care treatments.
All Oregon clinicians are encouraged to register for these weekly interactive sessions to learn the latest information on best practices in clinical management, clinical practice safety, testing, and the community public health response. Register here for the ECHO COVID series (January 7-June 17): https://connect.oregonechonetwork.org/Series/Registration/1335 Drop-in connection details (no CME): https://echo.zoom.us/j/2382480348?pwd=d1dGS3lIeUt6QXRWR3p4d2x3VFlQUT09 Password: 874887 • Hosted by […]
The OHA Transformation Center, in partnership with the OHA Vaccine Planning Unit, is hosting a learning collaborative for clinics newer to COVID immunizations to learn from subject matter experts and health center peers. Topics such as operational workflows, allocations, targeting high risk populations, vaccine hesitancy and more will be covered.
VBP and maternity care: What have we learned so far?
Review the impact of COVID-19 on screening for AUD and other mental health disorders. Discuss benefits and limitations to using telehealth to engage patients in screening and intervention. Identify possible workflow approaches for screening during telehealth visits. Review considerations for the future.
OHA will hold REALD office hours to answer questions from phase 2 providers about Race, Ethnicity, Language, and Disability (REALD) data collection and reporting requirements during health care encounters for COVID-19.
The OHA Transformation Center, in partnership with the OHA Vaccine Planning Unit, is hosting a learning collaborative for clinics newer to COVID immunizations to learn from subject matter experts and health center peers. Topics such as operational workflows, allocations, targeting high risk populations, vaccine hesitancy and more will be covered.
This spring, the Transformation Center partnered with Insight for Action to conduct an environmental scan to identify family-centered resources for OHP parents of young children (ages 3 to 6) to promote their children’s wellness during this unprecedented time. The scan was designed to support CCOs in meeting the OHA CCO incentive metric focused on kindergarten […]
Understand the overall SBIRT construct and how it differs from typical medical care. State the steps in the SBIRT process and how they might differ from setting to setting. Review and understand the components of the Oregon CCO SBIRT metric. Discuss the challenges of capturing and reporting SBIRT data.